To achieve an attractive absolute return over a full market cycle.
Investing for
Risk defined as losing money
Flexible mandate allows for patience
No sector constraints
Elevated career risk
Independent; unique
Fiduciary duty uninhibited
Risk = underperforming benchmark
Cash constraints & fully-invested mandates
Sector constraints
Limited career risk
Consensus; similar
Conflict between mandate and fiduciary duty
Absolute Returns
Relative Returns
Full Market Cycle
A full market cycle consists of both a bull and a bear market. A full market cycle occurred from October 9, 2002, through March 9, 2009. During March 2020, the S&P 500 Index declined by more than 20% from its February 19, 2020, peak, which technically qualified as a bear market to many investors. However, the downturn was extremely short-lived and modest in comparison to the preceding bull market. We would not classify the 2020 pullback as a bear market.

S&P 500: The Standard & Poor's 500 is an American stock market index based on the market capitalizations of 500 large companies. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.